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Matt Hirst, PE

President & CEO

Matt leads CRS with over 25 years experience in civil engineering. He is known for exceptional project management and problem solving to represent CRS’ clients. His extensive background includes a wide range of large-scale transportation and utilities projects; in addition to managing the development of custom GIS/technology solutions and apps for infrastructure management.

Matt is recognized for his engineering and business leadership and was named to the EDC Utah Board of Trustees (September 2019). EDC Utah is a non-profit, public-private partnership to promote economic growth in Utah. He is also an active leader in professional associations, including board/ committee positions and President (2016) of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Utah Chapter. Matt earned an M.S. and B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Utah where he has and continues to serve on various advisory boards at the College of Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering levels.

Of many significant projects, of note is Matt’s role as the 3rd Party Utilities Manager/Utility Design Lead for the $1.1 Billion I-15 CORE, approximately 28-miles of highway reconstruction and the largest DOT project to date in the state of Utah. For over 20 years, he has continuously provided pavement management and custom software development for Union Pacific Railroad, nationwide.


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